Yoga Nidra (sleep yoga) is pleasurable and effortless. The senses can withdraw deeper than ordinary sleep into deep trance. Or stop just before entering the state of Yoga Nidra to dream while awake.

rotating awareness

  • Without moving, experience each part of the body in turn as it is named by an instructor, from a recording, or from memory - usually starting with the right side.

  • Recall intense alternating pairs of opposite emotions or feelings like hot and cold, light and heavy, pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow. Or single sensations.

  • To finish maintain awareness of breath, either at the nostril or the navel and throat.

progressive muscle relaxation

Usually 20 to 40 minutes

  • Lie relaxed on the back.

  • Eyes closed, palms up and fingers relaxed.

  • Breathing is natural and quiet.

  • Relax each part of the body in turn as it is named by an instructor, from a recording, or from memory - usually starting with the right side.

If feeling too stressed to relax completely then first tense each part of the body as it is named before allowing it to relax.

Focusing on both sides at once instead of starting with the right side and then going to the left may help integrate both sides and adjust bilateral imbalances.