Tensions learnt from traumatic incidents and stressful times find their way into posture and movement.

These two exercises are examples of ways to give the body feedback so it can work out how to reorganise and release itself from unnecessary uncomfortable habits. It is difficult to be angry, depressed or anxious when posture is relaxed, balanced and alert.

release tense muscles to experience a relaxed stance
Stand back to wall with heels shoulders head and bottom touching the wall – then allow the shoulders to drop.

optimise movements and postures
Stand or perform everyday movements as if suspended from the crown of the head by a sky hook..

When posture is symmetrical, movement is easier and a person is more attractive to others and their voice is more melodious and attractive.

Symmetry of facial expression reflects the difference between emotions in the right and left side of the brain. This is mirrored in the rest of the body.

Symmetry of gait can be seen in the evenness of wear on the shoe soles. The handedness page shows how to sense the innate differences between the right and left sides.

Analysing this can be complex but restoring balance and efficient cooperation between the right and left is simple. The relaxation exercises on the stress pages help let go of allow the left and right to re-balance by themselves.

The mind lets go of the body in death and lets it stretch out and become as symmetrical as it can. Why wait until then?

The exercises on the body pages help identify unnecessary tensions and bring the body into balance. Imbalances arising from injury or illness can be improved and accommodated even if they can't be fully resolved.