A single touch travels throughout the body and mind.

the healing power of touch
Touch is the most primitive sense. It is the foundation of our relationship with our outer world and our sense of existing. It brings us to our senses in the present moment away from our thoughts and preoccupations.

By slowly bringing your two hands together you might sense, at a certain distance, a change of sensation as touch begins before skin contact happens.

Light touch slides over the skin. Gentle touch drags the skin with it. Firm touch, pressure and grasping moves the fascia and muscles. And heavy touch reaches bones. Massage can use one or more of these.

Massage provides stimulation and movement of the body and its fluids that is missing in a sedentary lifestyle but it doesn't doesn't only shift the skin, fascia, muscles and bones. It educates the mind. When the body is given the opportunity to experience itself it will make adjustments by itself. Especially when it is shown a position or movement which is new, rewarding or pain-free. Gently pushing, pulling or moving limbs explores the feelings of different movements and postures. Even a light touch can be informative and educative.

Light touch can work as well or more effectively than heavy touch. Massage does not have to fight against muscles or force them to let go, it can work through the body on the mind which is the source of tension. It encourages finding answers within instead of imposing solutions or offering magic cures. Light massage works with both the body and mind instead of against them. It is less intrusive and less likely to cause damage.

Massage or self massage can be relaxing and a wonderful first aid. But just seducing the body into relaxation does not bring such deep and lasting benefits as helping the body to experience itself and discover more comfortable and efficient ways of resting and moving.

bilateral touch
Bilateral touch for a minute or two at a time simultaneously at the same place on either side of the body and far enough apart to be separately distinguishable stimulates an evaluation of the differences between the two sides of the body and can trigger a reorganisation of bilateral imbalances in posture.

If movement is restricted or painful a body work practitioner like a Physiotherapist, Osteopath or Masseur, who understands which body habits are in the way can often set someone on a path to comfortable posture and movement.

An attentive, responsive and sensitive massage therapist will sense where energy is depleted and where it is full and rebalance it without consulting formulas or charts. Techniques while useful are not as important as being there for someone and being attentive and responsive. Sensing what is working and what is not, sensing what is wanted and what is not and where to go next.

Loosening up of the foot is the most powerful effect of Foot Reflexology. Less important is the complex technical work on the reflex zones. They can be attended to in passing.

Similarly massage technique is useful but just doing it is most important. Who is doing it and how sensitive and responsive they are is more important than exactly what they are doing. Just like any awareness therapy.

When we are touched we experience more of ourselves and exist a little bit more.