starving in the midst of plenty

Western industrial food is high in fat and refined carbohydrates but low on essential nutrients lost during manufacture.

industrial farming
Food grown on depleted soils may be nutrient deficient. Varieties bred for display and handling are colourful and sturdy but mostly not as tasty or satisfying. Those bred for pest resistance mostly don't taste good or feel good afterwards. We share much of the same genetic foundation as bugs and other animals so what's not good for little pests is usually not good for larger ones.

overeating and malnutrition
There is more profit in nutrient deficient products because they induce us to eat extra to reach the nutrient levels that will turn off hunger.

Addictive additives like salt and sugar and other refined carbohydrates make us want to eat more. For example the “corn” ingredient. Refined high fructose corn syrup lacks fibre, is metabolised into fat quicker than other sugars and is less detected by our internal nutrient regulators so it by-passes several of our satiation mechanisms and we just keep on eating it.

Most top selling soft drinks have a high salt content masked by high sugar which makes the drinker thirsty. Added caffeine also increases thirst because it is a diuretic that stimulates the kidneys to use water to eliminate it.

refined carbohydrates
Sugar, alcohol and white flour are often taken interchangeably to stimulate the pleasure centres and are very addictive. They disrupt hormonal systems amplifying rage, anxiety and depression, mood swings and premenstrual tension. They lead to hypoglycaemia and diabetes.

Dental disease is caused mostly by sugar in food. The resulting low level persistent infection affects mood and vitality as well as general health.

A third of Western women of childbearing age suffer significant or debilitating premenstrual tension but don't connect it with cyclical sugar, alcohol and food cravings and binges.

Junk food industries spend millions feeding their stories into school curricula and sponsoring government, political, regulatory, scientific and medical organisations that support their products and suppressing research that does not.

Buildings full of industrial psychologists and chemists research ways to package, flavour and colour food for maximum profit. The crunch, taste and texture are designed to get past our inbuilt internal nutrient regulators.

The results are catastrophic. Premature ill health causes and complicates emotional problems. Feeling bad becomes normal.

Mood usually improves along with health and energy levels when junk food is abandoned. Eventually feeling good is the new norm and junk food feels repulsive as its effects become obvious.