Even in stressful situations these meditations interrupt the emotionally draining and destructive stress response by disengaging for a moment from thoughts and feelings, shifting perception to the heart and calming the heart’s feedback to the brain.

heart meditation

Think of a stressful event or notice a present stress.

Step back - Take time out.

Shift focus from racing memories, thoughts and feelings to the area around the heart.

Recall a warm feeling like gratitude, love or appreciation. - perhaps a situation or person.

Re-experience this feeling - imagine how the heart feels now.


Calming and focusing in the present moment when feeling stressed.

Recall a warm feeling like gratitude, love or appreciation.

Breathing in, imagine your breath coming from the ground through the feet into the heart.

Then breathe out of the heart through the crown of the head.

Ask your heart to respond in a way that will de-stress your system.

Ask what attitude will minimise future stress.

Listen for the response.

Sense any change of feelings or perceptions.

problem solving

During a disturbing confrontation.

Notice the feelings in the body.

Focus on the heart and solar plexus.

Recall a warm feeling like gratitude, love or appreciation.

Breathing in, imagine your breath coming from in front into the heart and out through the crown of the head.

Separate from the situation objectively as if it were someone else’s problem.

Dissolve any uncomfortable feelings in a calm heart.

Notice any understanding that comes from this.


Practicing clarity and calm so it becomes comfortable and familiar.

Relax in a quiet place.

Focus attention on the area around the heart.

Feel a lightness or softness in the heart.

Breathe love and appreciation in through the heart.

Recall or experience a sincere feeling of love or appreciation for someone.

Breathe love and appreciation out to yourself or others through the crown of the head.

With practice becoming calm and focused can be a quick reflex taking seconds.