Happiness is yet another abstract noun that has almost exhausted its meaning through overuse. Researchers have definitions for it. I am not a fan but it has some currency so here it is.

Misery has many faces and takes many complex and interesting turns but happiness is straight-forward and all much the same.

seeking pleasure
We are hard wired for survival to strive to feel good and avoid feeling bad. Pleasure seeking is the strongest drive. In our natural environment dangerous things feel bad and essentials for survival feel good.

The pursuit of ceaseless happiness can lead to disaster for individuals, societies and the planet.

We need the whole range of positive and negative feelings and emotions to guide us. Being happy all the time without the varying shades of negative feelings flies in the face of nature.

Suppressing feelings and taking drugs excludes the guidance and learning that uncomfortable feelings provide.

Having said that, happy people tend to live longer, earn more money, endure pain better, persist longer at tasks. They are more successful in jobs, more altruistic, consider others, set higher goals, have better health, more friends, better relationships, lower blood pressure and better immune systems

They are more likely to be married and interested in music, reading and chatting. They are less likely to be interested in over-eating, gourmet food, drink, drugs, gambling, loveless sex, TV or shopping which all bring immediate but fleeting pleasure.

Those who are materialistic are less happy. Happiness does not increase as income rises above basic needs. Those who are satisfied with their income tend to be happy. Debt erodes peace of mind more than poverty.

Poverty causes unhappiness but the homeless in Calcutta are much happier than the homeless in New York.

Prosperity and well-being is highest in societies where religion is practised least with for example less crime, suicide, drug use, incarceration, unemployment and corruption.

Avoiding the valuable guidance of negative feelings by pretending to be cheerful can be exhausting and lead us to stagnation or out of touch with the real world.

However there is no point in feeling miserable if
it serves no purpose so here are some positive thinking suggestions I have picked up over the years in case one is a useful circuit breaker.

clear disempowering emotions. Don’t wait to achieve goals - have the good feeling without bothering to reach the goal.

check negative internal chatter and negative mantras and their negative emotional associations.

visualisation. Imagine moving negative preoccupations towards the back of the head perhaps out of the head or into a rubbish bin.

focus on problems 5% and on solutions 95%

talk through problems

forgive – let resentment go

shed preoccupation with failure

forget regrets

focus on positive events

remember feelings of appreciation, compassion, gratitude or love, warmth

a positive posture, face and voice induces positive feelings – smiling can trigger feeling good.

be curious – like a child

be excited – passionate

be determined

feel certain and confident

breathe freely

Cheerful thoughts don't succeed if the rest of our lifestyle holds us back. The food and drugs pages on the top menu contain examples of ways to escape the pitfalls of temporary chemical pleasures like refined sugar and alcohol which disrupt hormonal systems and amplify mood swings, rage, anxiety and depression.