However muddled or side-tracked we get, tour aim is to feel good.

Emotions evaluate situations quicker and more comprehensively and accurately than words or other symbols.

The story of each movement, activity or encounter is in the feelings before, during and after. The stories could be told in words but their meaning lies in the feelings.

Each day is a story with a beginning and end and in it are hundreds or thousands of stories. Picking something up. Buying something. Giving something away. Being driven somewhere. Driving. Being given something. Combing hair. Cooking.

examine some of these stories to see if this is true

How do you feel in the moments before.

How do you feel while this is happening.

What is the feeling in the moment after and the moments after.

What are the feelings when you look back and remember this.

These feelings are mostly unnoticed but they drive us and inform us. Checking them now and then creates habits of using feelings to understand and make decisions. Try it for both important and unimportant events and actions.

Before the evening meditation or falling asleep the feelings are those of the day. They are the feelings of what we made of it and what it did to us. During sleep the kaleidoscope of dreams spins the memories of the day and of the days and years past into stories that make sense and nonsense of them.

Before your public face takes over after the first moment of awakening your feelings are those of the affairs of the previous day or two that you have have integrated during sleep. They are not the feelings of your public face put on for the world but how you feel deep down subconsciously. Notice the feelings on awakening and then notice them changing into the feelings of the day.

How do you feel before you meet someone – the anticipation - the first moment. The interaction. as you talk or do things together? And then the separation. The moment after. The days after. The recovery as you become yourself again. The fading of memories. The old memories.

How you feel with them is your story of them. Before during and after you are together. Somewhere in these feelings is who you think they are and who they are. The awareness pages talk about how to notice feelings and fleeting feelings that move from person to person.

Someone's home, neighbourhood or country is their feelings about them. Feelings add significance to the memories of the images and words.