Research consistently confirms exercise as by far the most effective treatment for depression.

Exercise increases vitality and energy levels and reduces the release of stress hormones. When blood flow improves so does health, happiness, intelligence, digestion, alertness and tolerance of stress.

Exercise generates body sensations that displace thoughts so preoccupations become less overwhelming and can be viewed in a broader perspective.

Overeating is usually reduced as the body's regulatory mechanisms work better and life becomes more interesting.

We are our body. If we don't walk we lose our legs. If we don't talk we lose our tongues. If we don't exercise we lose mental capacity, fitness and flexibility.

Health and fitness bring confidence. Exercising regularly brings action into other parts of our life.


  • walk or bike instead of drive

  • walk or bike every day

  • walk with a friend

  • bush walk

  • Join a walking, running, biking or swimming group

  • Take up a sport

  • If you are tired or weak start first with short or light exercise

  • If you are confined to bed or a chair move your body as much as possible within that space and use help if need be.

  • Work out vigorously sometimes, out of the comfort zone through the pain barrier.

  • Make sure it is enjoyable.

Exercise generates pleasure hormones. If extreme exercise becomes addictive and difficult to moderate it is possible to drive joints and organs to destruction. The body gives plenty of warning signs. Its just a matter of paying attention, seeking advice, researching safe ways to exercise and taking time out.

Although muscle tensions from stress are inefficient and unbalance posture at least they provide exercise and muscle tone. After learning to relax, more exercise might be needed to replace the lost tensions.