Events are too complex and multidimensional to fully understand in words but you can sense them in the body - perhaps unclearly to start with but more and more clearly as the language of the body becomes familiar.

When we put aside our usual mental image of our self and become aware of our body which is the source of ourselves, we can experience its sensations and tap into the wisdom in their complex grammar and vocabulary.

This exercise brings the intelligence of the body to awareness to expand perception and knowledge. And calculate solutions to problems.

When you have free time. Free of distractions.

become aware of the body
Relax using one of the relaxation exercises on the stress pages. Lying or sitting.

Become aware first of the front of the body, then middle area. Throat. Face. Chest. Solar plexus. Abdomen. Inside the body. And then the whole body.

What are the tiniest changes in sensation that you can detect. Our senses can pick up tiny changes like movement, friction, vibration, temperature, taste and after-taste.

question the body - It will answer some questions and some it won't.
Pick a personal question:
perhaps something important
or uncomfortable,
or easy to solve,
or recent,
or something you notice as you become aware of your body,
or “How am I?",
or ask - What is the question to ask at the moment? - then ask that question.

listen to the body
Observe the sensations arising in the body as it responds to the question.

Wait for a feeling to stir. Give answers time to form in your body.
Allow any sensations to emerge into awareness -
they might possibly be vague, indefinite, confused or unclear. Where are these sensations?

Welcome each as it arises with detached curiosity.

No need to analyze. Just stand back - like watching passing events from the sidelines or a movie.
without words
without detail.
without making any judgment.

Let the body answer.
Breathe out the answer.
Wait until all of the body’s feelings about this question come to awareness.

Notice any interrupting thoughts, feelings or movements and the sensations in the body that come with them and let them go.

Spend some time experiencing the body's picture of the situation.

name the sensation
How would you communicate this sensation? Use words, images, gestures, metaphors, or whatever fits to convey it. Wait for a word, phrase, sound, gesture, or picture to come to mind to describe these feelings in a way that feels right.

integrate the symbol with the feeling
Imagine the words, phrases, images, sounds or gestures that you have found to name the sensations. How does your body respond?
Does the symbolic description match the body feelings?
If not then let go of it. Wait for another symbol. And test this one.

In your own time go back and forth between the sensation and the symbol.
Allow them to change until the quality of the sensation and the symbol coincide.

Check for body signals that let you know there is perfect match.
Welcome this.
How does this feel in the body?
Notice whatever happens for a while and how this feels.

What's do I like about the situation or question I am asking about?
What don't I like?
What is its essence or core?
What is getting in the way of feeling better?
What action would be good to take? What would be a good first step to make this better?

Let each problem go… one at a time. How does it feel without them?
Imagine your body moving into the position or posture it would be in if everything was resolved.
How would that feel?

Now …… allow the body to move into that position.
Stay with this sensation until there is a shift or release.
If you get a quick answer without a release - let it go - return to the body - and ask again.

When you are ready –
Sense any body changes, especially feelings of being more open or released.
Welcome the sensation.

Is there anything else standing in the way of feeling OK?
Except for that, how do you feel?

How is the body now?
Stay with this a while, even if there is only a slight release.
This is only one shift. There will be others.

Now that you know where it is, you can leave it and come back to it later.

Perhaps retrace the steps taken in this session. Give some time to sensing if it is alright to end soon . What needs your attention now? Does your body want another round? -- or is this a good stopping place for now?

Remember the sensations and observations.
Remember the emotions.
Perhaps note the furthest place reached so it can be returned to later.

Stay with this as long as you want.

Bring awareness outward again.
Feel the weight of your body on the ground/chair.
Feel your hands and feet
Then the whole body
Be aware of the room.
Let your eyes open when they want to.
Meditate, contemplate stretch or relax.

As the body's image of the world comes to awareness, it can begin to be consciously used to understand situations and make decisions.